Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Its been a warmer week in helsinki this week, thank God for that. Right now i feel like i have been run over by a tractor after sleeping so late yesterday and having to wake up early in the morning today. Am just from school for some seminars and to meet with my thesis supervisor. The seminars were ok, very interesting and were worth missing a shift to attend. Buuut, my thesis supervisor had to ruin my day, NOTHING i do is ever good enough for her, she is what you would call a perfectionist..well..thats the closest i can get to describing her. Its quite understandable given that she is the programme co-ordinator in our degree programme but pliz..does she have to be so harsh?I wonder. I mean, she never ever compliments me despite the lots of research i have done and the hard work i have been doing on that paper.
I have like a million things to do on my thesis and hand in by tomorrow, i want to watch a movie and i want to make sure i get sufficient sleep before kesho othawise its going to be a bad day for me at work! Now am just sitted here wondering what to do and what to postphone and i realize that i have to do them all today!!If only i could, i would watch the movie kesho but its on channel four so its either i watch it today or miss it.
Am loving my new job by the way, its quite interesting and i think this one is for keeps. It will give me the experience i need before i start applying for a job abroad(not planning to stay in this hell hole forever) and i hope i will improve my language skills.


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